Hello there, I hope you are having a great day so far. My name is Sujay, and today I am here to help those writers who are stuck, basically.
This subject crossed my mind when I was chilling with my cup of tea. I started doing this article because I am a good writer, as I do believe. But many other beginners are stuck at the very first word of an article.
They need someone to help, and that is why I began writing this down.
And here, I present you with 7 tips (with a bonus one too) to improve your abilities as a writer.
I hope this article reaches you safe and sound and you learn something out of it.
Disclaimer: This article is for those who are beginners in writing. No matter what aspect of writing they pursue, these tips work universally for all of them so do read this till the end. Also, this is a long read so please make enough time to read this.
1. Just start!
That’s it! That is the very first step!
Starting off and making an okay-okay piece of writing is much better than worrying too much and doing nothing. If you keep the ink at the same place and do not let it flow, it would make a mess of the page. So, just get to it and begin the work. Write what you can, and ask someone who is good at the language to review it (that can be your close friend or parents or neighbors, etc). They will provide you valid suggestions to improve. Note them down and off you go to your next piece, making your improvements show.
Keep doing this consistently and I am sure you will be efficient and creative in no time.
2. Reduce the usage of the word “very” in your writing
This is a huge blunder that most beginners tend to ignore. They use “very” too much in their writing. If you do use that word often, then it would mean to the reader that you are a low-level writer and there is no improvement shown from you.
For example, you can use the word “too” instead of “very” and replace it.
Or even better, you can use these examples such as,
“Frightened” instead of “very scared”
“Delighted” replacing “very happy” and so forth.
So here is where your vocabulary comes to play. Find synonymous words and weave them in a unique fashion and your piece of writing will become attractive. The reader enjoys it, and you get the satisfaction as well. Simple.
3. At the same time, vocabulary is not everything
Replacing the word “very” is essential as explained in the previous tip. But at the same time, please keep in mind that vocabulary never defines a writer. There is no need to implode fancy and long words into your writing because all it does is ruin the simplicity of your message.
I do not convey that vocabulary is good-for-nothing, but even before you go into vocabulary you need to make sure that you know basic grammar. It mainly includes the syntax (i.e., the way you frame the sentences), spellings, punctuations, and so on.
So all that I am saying is, vocabulary is secondary to be a good English writer.
4. Write only what you want
As you are reading this article, I am certain you have enjoyed it so far. It is because I am writing what I want.
When you write what you want, your soul and your brain will work with you automatically and there is an obvious state of flow which nothing can stop.
And when you are in this state of flow, the rest will follow.
Whether it be a poem, or an article (like this one), or a short story, this tip is a use-for-all. You need not force yourself into writing on a topic that you are uncomfortable with or that you do not know much about.
I have seen reluctant writers (especially freelancers) who write on topics they are not comfortable with to earn money. Sure, adaptability is a thing, but how far would you take yourself to unrelated writing? Not only should it be factual, but you can also add a flavor of your own experience to it to make it better.
Long story short, write what your soul feels like. It will be your best piece, I promise.
5. Read and re-read your work
A crucial tip. Reading your draft by yourself out loud after you think it’s done is so important. You will find mistakes, blunders, and blind spots where your writing can appear deteriorated. And I am not only talking about your grammatical mistakes, duh.
I am also emphasizing the clarity of your writing. When you read it aloud, you will find some sentences that are not so goody-good to read. And you can go on and change them in your own way. Note that you must not change the meaning of the sentence.
This is how it goes: You create a draft, and when you read it, you correct it, then read it again, and correct it again. Repeat this cycle at least 3 times and you will get a unique piece of writing that you would love to show.
Also, if you can, just pick up an ICSE Class 10th English textbook and read some of the short stories in it. It will definitely improve your caliber in English.
6. Do not compare
I have seen a lot of writers with a lack of experience compare their work with someone who has done this for 5–10 years or more. Do not do that. It’s degrading and funny as well.
None can be “better” than anyone. That is the beauty of writing. You can only be the best version of yourself. Of course, it is okay to compare yourself with your past. But do not compare with another person who can never be “you”.
7. Watch videos/cartoons/movies/podcasts
Honestly, here is a major reason why I am so profound in my writing.
I loved reading books ever since I was born. I used to read, read and read to improve myself as a whole. Along with this, there were a lot of English movies as well back in the day (such as Transformers, The Return of the Apes, The Avengers). I watched these movies with enthusiasm. The subtitles were useful to me whenever I did not get any phrases or words. It also helped me to learn idioms and use them. Cartoons were a great start as well. Most likely because it is for kids to understand, simple spoken English is used diversely in cartoons.
In your case, you can also go for YouTube videos of good speakers, or even short podcasts if you don’t have time. All the resources are out there! Go grab ‘em!
This is about all the tips that I have. Wait… oh, I forgot! There was a bonus tip that I mentioned before at the start. Sorry that I could not remember that.
And the bonus tip is… *insert drumroll*
Impromptu Speaking!
It may sound weird to you, but it works like magic! The moment you start impromptu speaking, you automatically search for the right words and descriptions. As you keep improving, you need not put much effort anymore either! Just let it flow and it’ll all be fine (both in speaking and writing).
Impromptu Speaking helps you write faster and think of more words in your head instantly. If you want to be more productive and write faster (as much as 2000 words in one day) then this tip is surely for you.
For me, in a day, I can write an article of as much as 2500 words in a day (if you do not consider the research part) because I write fast.
Conversely, writing fast may also help in impromptu speaking, giving the same benefits to your speaking abilities as much as writing. This is a win-win situation overall. So it’s a must-try.
We have now come to the end of this article. Conclusively, I would like to tell you to not stress about it, be consistent. Because for expertise, all you need is time and improvement. Never compare, stay away from ego, and be happy with your content.
I am grateful that you have read this till the end and I hope you have learned something out of this article. All the best to all the new writers who read this!
Happy Writing!!!